Smoky Mountains National Park

Oct 23-27, 2019

For 19 years we have conducted skill based workshops and have been very pleased with the response from our participants. Many of them have requested an in depth workshop based in the Smoky Mountains of Tennessee and North Carolina.

If you haven't had the pleasure of shooting in the Smoky Moutinas , this is a great opportunity.

This workshop is designed for photographers , who want to enhance their skills as well as capture the great locations of the Smoky Mountain National Park and surrounding areas. We start with an evening shoot on Wednesday and shoot both sunrise and sunset every day. We adjourn arbout 10 am on Sunday Oct 27. We will be shooting all the major areas of the park including the Smoky Mtn Parkway with many dynamic river shots, The Farmstead area, Cades Cove, and the Cades Cove road area.

The workshop is based in Townsend, TN which is centrally located near all the best shooting locations. The class includes lecture sessions on composition, lighting, filters and Photoshop to enhance your skills, as well as critique sessions of the days shooting. It also includes 4 nights lodging at the Highland Manor Inn beginning on Wednesday night. In addition we sponsor lunch on Friday and a farewell dinner on Saturday evening.

The cost of this inclusive workshop is only $1500 and a deposit of $700 holds your seat in the class. All rooms are single occupancy.

Many of our photographers are return students that not only enjoy the great locations but learn from Bob each time they attend. His method of teaching is hands on, in the field. The balance is due 60 days prior to the workshop. See our cancellation policy for details.

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